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Tag Archives: Habits

What to Eat With an Upset Stomach

What to Eat With an Upset Stomach

There are few things that can derail your day quicker that an upset stomach. The nausea, bloating, pain and other symptoms can prevent you from getting any work done at the office, and can just as easily ruin your downtime ...

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Removing all Distractions: Tips for Staying Focused

Removing all Distractions: Tips for Staying Focused

No matter what responsibilities your job requires, you have probably struggled with maintaining focus at some point or another. Don’t feel too bad if you have this problem; even employees with stellar work ethics can find it difficult to concentrate ...

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The Health Risks of Poor Posture

The Health Risks of Poor Posture

While growing up, there’s a very good chance your parents reprimanded you more than once about your posture. To be sure, this is a common problem, as both children and adults alike are prone to frequent slouching and slumping. Poor ...

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The Hidden Risks of Dehydration

The Hidden Risks of Dehydration

Even if you’re not a medical professional, it’s pretty easy to guess the symptoms of dehydration. When running low on water, the mouth becomes noticeably dry and starts pining for water. Additionally, a person experiencing mild dehydration will likely encounter ...

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How Night Owls Can Get to Bed Earlier

How Night Owls Can Get to Bed Earlier

There’s a good chance you’re reading this article while battling a strong nap craving. Or, perhaps later in the day, you’ll wind up nodding off while watching TV. Maybe your body is relying on that fourth cup of coffee to ...

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Is Personality Key to Better Job Performance?

Is Personality Key to Better Job Performance?

It’s commonly thought that the happiest employees make for the most productive employees. It’s a theory that certainly makes a lot of sense – after all, wouldn’t a person highly satisfied with his or her job be motivated to perform ...

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Avoiding the Crutch of Comfort Eating

Avoiding the Crutch of Comfort Eating

Judging by the growing number of oversized waistlines, it’s pretty obvious that people love food. Just check out these numbers; According to the Gallup polling organization, the average American family spent $151 per week on food. This works out to ...

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The Signs of Passive-Aggressive Behavior

The Signs of Passive-Aggressive Behavior

In the past, you might have heard someone jokingly refer to themselves or their behavior as “passive-aggressive.” Though this term has entered the modern mainstream vernacular, relatively few people actually know what it means. This lack of knowledge about might ...

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