All skin is different; from colors to textures and scents. One commonalty that all skin types share is the aging process. Though some people see the signs of aging before others due to genetics and externalities, the fact is it does happen. Skin ages in steps so during your life you need to take care of your skin differently from the way you did when you were younger; it is important to stay on top of your skin care regimen. The skin techniques you develop over the decades should be age appropriate; meaning your skin will need a certain care at the age of 53 that is more attentive and gentle then the care given at age 20. Here are some tips and techniques on how you should be taking your care of your skin in the years to come.
Your 20s…
If you have not already started taking care of your skin, your early 20s is the perfect time to start a routine skin care regimen. Your skin in your 20s is still somewhat in its prime. However, at the same time your 20s is a time for staying out late, partying and drinking which will eventually, physically take a toll on your skin. It is highly recommended that if you smoke, stop now. Protection against the sun is imperative so using a daily moisturizer with an SPF before you start your day is crucial. Of course a cleansing, exfoliating, toning and moisturizing process is part of caring for your skin in your 20s. These are the years that you are really starting to nourish and moisturize yourskin that will prepare it for when the signs of aging begin in a few years. Sometimes a little costly, it would be a good idea to treat yourself to a facial every season. A professional facial involves a lot of massaging which will improve the blood circulation in your face and causes the facial muscles to relax. Having this done to you a few times a year will benefit you in the long run.
Your 30s…
Your hormones change over the years, the amount of sleep you get each night and basically your overall lifestyle changes going into and throughout your 30s. This will all result in the appearance of fine lines and pigmentation, mainly around your mouth and eyes. Make sure you keep up your daily skin care regimen of cleansing, exfoliating, toning and moisturizing. Make sure the moisturizer that you use at night is composed of collagen booster ingredients. Make sure you are incorporating a lot of foods with anti-oxidants into your diet and getting plenty of exercise. The consistent, healthy circulation of blood is best for your skin. The signs of stress will become more prevalent in your 30s, especially because your skin will become thinner and less elastic. Do your best, though sometimes impossible, to reduce stress in your life. If you are not already doing so, women in their 30s should be drinking as much water as possible.
Your 40s…
This is the time many women see the past catching up with them. Skin in your 40s is more prone to dryness and wrinkles. Due to many years of sun bathing, many notice skinny red blood vessels and brown spots from sun damage. These unfortunately are not erasable but there are still some routines you can adopt that will keep your skin looking youthful as long as possible. Absolutely continue to cleanse tone and moisturize but your exfoliant should be a gentler one than what you used in your 20s and 30s. Your skin is thinner and more fragile and only requires a light scrub. Make retinoids your new best friend. Retinoids have been shown to smooth fine lines, fade dark spots and make pores look smaller. Retinoids are products that are chemically related to vitamin A. When used consistently retinoids can keep skin clear, even out skin tone and repair and prevent premature aging. Retinoids also stimulate collagen that will help keep skin plump and youthful.