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Tag Archives: Healthy Diet

You Are What You Eat: Food and Your Immune System

You Are What You Eat: Food and Your Immune System

In most cases, the results of our dietary choices are blatantly obvious to others. Health-conscious people usually exhibit a trim, cut physique with little in the way of flab or noticeable body fat. In contrast, those who habitually feast on ...

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Fighting Inflammation through Diet

Fighting Inflammation through Diet

If you’ve ever suffered a cut or burn – which covers just about everyone – then your body has experienced inflammation. Under normal circumstances, this bodily reaction is nothing to be alarmed about. This type of inflammation, called acute inflammation, ...

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Avoiding the Crutch of Comfort Eating

Avoiding the Crutch of Comfort Eating

Judging by the growing number of oversized waistlines, it’s pretty obvious that people love food. Just check out these numbers; According to the Gallup polling organization, the average American family spent $151 per week on food. This works out to ...

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The Possible Benefits of Probiotics

Admittedly, the term probiotics doesn’t seem all that appealing; it sounds dangerously close to “antibiotics,” a type of medication that brings to mind particularly nasty illnesses, such as pneumonia and sinus infections. Not to mention that antibiotics carry along a ...

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Tips for Kicking Your Sugar Habit

Tips for Kicking Your Sugar Habit

Sugar has a fairly contradictory relationship with consumers. On one hand, we’re generally taught about the unhealthy nature of sugar at a pretty young age – remember when your mom told you couldn’t get that certain cereal or cookie brand ...

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Eating Green While Saving Green

Eating Green While Saving Green

It’s no secret that eating organic food has become a nationwide trend in recent years. While the health benefits of organic food are well documented, many consumers are still reluctant to buy organic products due to their relatively high prices. ...

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Is There Arsenic in Our Apple Juice?

Is There Arsenic in Our Apple Juice?

One of America’s most well-known doctors, Dr. Mehmet Oz, recently announced to viewers on The Dr. Oz Show the findings of an independent study on arsenic levels in apple juice. The study involved three dozen samples from five different brands ...

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Is Our Food Really Getting Weaker?

Is Our Food Really Getting Weaker?

We hear it all the time, the soil is depleted due to over farming, we learned how to genetically modify food, but it’s not as nutritious. Is this really true? From our live stock to our poultry to our vegetables, ...

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