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Three Genetic (and Rare) Heart Disorders

Three Genetic (and Rare) Heart Disorders

When it comes to heart problems, people generally think of such conditions as cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. Some people, however, must live with rare genetic disorders of the heart. Three of these disorders are further detailed below:


Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy ‒ Your heart consists of four distinct chambers, the lower two of which are known as the left and right ventricles. The purpose of these chambers is to push fresh blood throughout the body.

For those with familial dilated cardiomyopathy, the muscle of one or more ventricle becomes overstretched; consequently, the open spaces of the affected ventricles increase, making it harder for the ventricles to usher blood into the circulatory system.


Long QT Syndrome ‒ You probably don’t associate your heart with electricity, but electrical signals are needed to keep your heart beating properly. Long QT syndrome (LQTS) disrupts these patterns, possibly causing dangerous irregular heart beats.

The “QT” part of this condition’s title refers to two specific electrical waves that traverse through the heart. According to the National, Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, electrical activity that transpires between Q and T waves is known as QT intervals. As its name indicates, long QT syndrome extends the length of this activity. The impact of LQTS can be quite severe, resulting in fainting or possibly cardiac arrest.


Brugada Syndrome ‒ Like familial dilated cardiomyopathy, brugada syndrome afflicts the lower chambers of the heart, afflicting the ventricles with an abnormal heartbeat. Unlike other genetic disorders, however, this condition is usually asymptomatic. This shouldn’t be taken to mean that Brugada syndrome isn’t dangerous; aside from inducing abnormal heart beat, Brugada syndrome can also cause a person to faint, and may even trigger a sudden heart attack.

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